Plato once wrote or THE FOUR TEMPERAMENTS, Sanguine being the extrovert, talker and optimist.
I am not sure when it happened or how I evolved to be that, but deep inside, in the darkness of my soul, I still feel like the perfect melancholy, the introvert, the thinker, the pessimist :)
Anyway the reason I am talking about Plato this week is an array of reasons some that have to do with character development and story, so he is fresh in my mind but also because I been a very reflective mood thanks to a book am reading, 1491, it is about the way America use to be before it was "discovered" by Columbus.
Another reason is because I found myself doing cartoon of friends and I started thinking how my character always leads me to accept tasks that others would not , not complaining just examining.
Here are some sketches :)
I am not sure when it happened or how I evolved to be that, but deep inside, in the darkness of my soul, I still feel like the perfect melancholy, the introvert, the thinker, the pessimist :)
Anyway the reason I am talking about Plato this week is an array of reasons some that have to do with character development and story, so he is fresh in my mind but also because I been a very reflective mood thanks to a book am reading, 1491, it is about the way America use to be before it was "discovered" by Columbus.
Another reason is because I found myself doing cartoon of friends and I started thinking how my character always leads me to accept tasks that others would not , not complaining just examining.
Here are some sketches :)
Thanks for listening Mr. Void that is the internet.