Chuck Jones once said that the easiest way to lose a friend was to draw his/her portrait.
I like my friends and the truth is, I don't want to lose them.
I once heard that a good exercise was to draw a portrait a day and for the reason previously stated and because I don't have time to draw till late at night when I get home, I been doing one self portrait a day all week.
I thought that in honor of self portraits I would revisit all the ones I have done over the years, and I have at my disposal.
I like my friends and the truth is, I don't want to lose them.
I once heard that a good exercise was to draw a portrait a day and for the reason previously stated and because I don't have time to draw till late at night when I get home, I been doing one self portrait a day all week.
I thought that in honor of self portraits I would revisit all the ones I have done over the years, and I have at my disposal.
It seems that the further you go back in time the more they look like me.
Anyway, if you are reading this, draw, draw draw.
Anyway, if you are reading this, draw, draw draw.